Prisonniers de l’héritage?

Les assureurs font face au vieux défi de se renouveler ou de mourir pour répondre aux besoins de plus en plus spécifiques de leurs clients et rester compétitifs. L’un des piliers de cette mise à jour est l’architecture des systèmes informatiques, un véritable cheval de bataille, qui peut apporter des avantages concurrentiels incontestables… ou bien le contraire.

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Technological evolution in insurance companies and systems architecture

In a world of constant technological evolution, insurers face the challenge of keeping up to date to meet the increasingly specific needs of their clients and remain competitive. This updating is based on several pillars, one of the main ones being the architecture of computer systems, which can either favour or hinder technological transformation. In this article we explore how the modernisation of this architecture can create opportunities for innovation and efficiency within insurance companies, while identifying some of the challenges related with legacy systems.

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